Committed to our Community.


About Shannon 

Knocking on over 5000 doors in 2020 gave Shannon clarity on Resident priorities. Your concerns are Shannon’s North Star. Elected that year, Shannon dove right into finding solutions. Almost immediately, Shannon advocated to keep searching for potential funding sources to solve the potable water problem. Thankfully, funding came. And as a Community, we solved that problem. Shannon spearheaded Pinecrest’s Peacock Mitigation Program in order to humanely control the peacock population. Shannon successfully fought to maintain our 4-story limit on US-1, keeping any potential development consistent with our character and tradition. Shannon initiated the Pinecrest Composting Program to reduce food waste. She fought for and obtained funding to install speed warning devices to slow traffic down. This is just part of how Shannon has served Pinecrest.

Shannon maintains a bi-weekly table at the Farmers Market to keep Residents updated and to hear concerns. Shannon has consistently proved that she is about solving problems and that she is Committed to our Community.

Donate to support Shannon’s

re-election campaign