Council Update - August 2021
I hope this finds you well and that you are able to enjoy a little respite this summer. I want to share three updates in our community.
First, however, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the pain and difficulty that has gripped our broader Miami-Dade County Community in Surfside in the past month. Moments like this remind us we that are all connected to each other. Perhaps you were affected personally, and my hope is that all our friends, relatives, and fellow residents of Miami-Dade County can find healing in time. May we remember those we lost, and perhaps act with just a little more gratitude for our neighbors and family as a result of this unimaginable tragedy.
We must never forget or take for granted that we have a special Community here in Pinecrest that we must preserve and protect.
Here is what I have to update you on:
We deal with contentious issues in Council Meetings sometimes. It is what democracy in action looks like, especially as we see people clamoring for freedom in Cuba or enduring the democracy crisis in Haiti. Our Pinecrest Council meetings remind us how lucky we are to be an independent, self-governing community where individual citizens matter.
I have heard many views concerning our current 20 foot “side setback” policy, where one cannot install a tennis court, for example, within 20’ of a side residential property. 20 feet is the current, long-standing rule. There is discussion within Council on whether this rule should be changed and if we should shorten the current 20’ setback distance.
What I see are two competing priorities: the ability to manage, maintain, and enjoy our own properties; and the need to respect our neighbors’ properties and their right of quiet enjoyment. All must be considered in light of the broader community impact and always, what is in Pinecrest’s best interest. Debate is healthy, and I think we can all appreciate both sides of this debate. How do we maintain our own independence – the hallmark of our Pinecrest spirit – but balance against the broader needs of the community?
My current instinct on this subject is to keep the rule as it is, but to consider exceptions on a case by case basis in order to make sure that all rights are respected and that Pinecrest’s character remains intact.
There has been some recent concern regarding the county – in anticipation of the upcoming bus rapid transit system - imposing higher density in certain areas of Pinecrest. At this point, it appears this concern is just that – a concern. Commissioner Gilbert, one of 13 County Commissioners, has expressed a proposal that the County take over zoning along transit corridors throughout Miami-Dade County. The matter has not been submitted as a proposed ordinance for the 13 member County Commission to vote upon. Upon learning of the draft, our Mayor, who is also the President of the Miami-Dade League of Cities, began garnering support from local municipalities to oppose any such ordinance. Our Pinecrest Village Council unanimously opposes the county imposing any density in our Village. After all, we incorporated to take control over core local issues, like zoning. I will continue to monitor this proposal, work with our Mayor, and vigorously oppose it.
Through the American Rescue Plan, Pinecrest received $8 million. If these funds did not go to us, they would have gone somewhere else. We pay our federal taxes, and this is money for specific uses, under federal guidelines, to solve certain problems here and strengthen our local Community. The bulk, $7 million plus $500,000 from the County, is going to solve our water problem, bringing accessible, County water to the remaining homes that remain well-water dependent. Since our founding, we have sought a solution to this difficult-to-solve problem. And after all the hard work, we finally found a solution. The Council vote was unanimous and the community support was overwhelmingly positive. As one Resident put it at one of the hearings, “This was smart government moving at the right speed.”
One of the reasons I ran for office was to be a fiscally responsible steward of public funds, and I am sharply focused on making sure that we make sound community investments. We must use opportunities like this federal funding to solve community problems and improve our Residents’ quality of life. Local government should not be more complicated than that; it should work for you, and manage our money well. Through the smart use of the $8 million in federal funding, we have done just that.
We acquired the Gary Matzner Park, which is an exciting development to expand our Community’s recreational opportunities. My husband, Skip, and I have raised our three children in Pinecrest, and we have valued our public spaces and community gathering points. With the addition of Gary Matzner Park, we are adding a new space to our Community where our families can gather, our children can play, and neighbors can come together. Given our COVID experience, such places seem more important than ever as we rebuild for an even stronger future.
Additionally, we have a world-class Pinecrest Community Center that offers numerous cultural programs.
We offer a variety of Musical Performances that are coming back as we turn the corner on COVID! Check out all the Performing Arts offerings!
There are also numerous Youth Programs that are worth checking out if you have kids.
Truly, we offer cultural and enrichment opportunities of the highest caliber, and as we are able headed forward I hope we can take advantage of them as Pinecrest Residents!
Cuba and Haiti are on my mind, and many of yours. It has reminded me that freedom does not come easily, and being able to live in a democracy is a rare thing that few people in human history have been able to experience.
We have a vibrant, local Community in Pinecrest. My family loves living here, and I want to make sure we preserve Pinecrest’s special character and evolve within that tradition. Pinecrest is not a place in need of major change. We have problems to solve and goals to reach. Sometimes, we have differences on how to solve or attain them. But at our core, we are rightfully recognized as a top Community in Florida to live, and our top priority must always be preserving what keeps life here special.
It’s an honor to represent you on Council.