New Year - 2022
I hope the Holiday Season was good to you and your family. And Happy New Year!
First, as many have heard, one of our Pinecrest families lost their home to fire on New Year’s Eve. Fortunately, the family was not home. We feel for them. If you know the family, please lean in and provide any help that you can.
As we close 2021 and look into ’22, I want to reflect on some accomplishments and share what is on the horizon.
The lack of potable, county-delivered water to over 700 homes dependent on wells was a problem that vexed Pinecrest for a generation. After securing federal funding in 2021, Council and Village Government went to work on solving this problem. From Workshops to Public Hearings on the matter, we were able to put the plan in place to solve this problem. Fire hydrants on those streets without any will also be installed.
Ground has been broken. The project is moving forward. We will have progress updates throughout 2022.
To expand recreational opportunities, in 2021, we purchased what will be called Gary Matzner Park. It is nearly 4 acres on the corner of 67th Ave. and 88th Street.
In 2022, Council will be examining professional design proposals for the Park. Like all Council meetings, these matters are publicly noticed and your input is always welcome. We are one Community.
Additionally, Council authorized our Village Manager to look into and bid on another site that became available in the last quarter of 2021 – the Bet Shira Congregation site.
Covid-19 remains a moving target. Pinecrest continues to deliver on Community health and safety. The Covid Center continues to test and vaccinate at Suniland Park.
To make an appointment, go to
In 2021, Jason Cohen was promoted to Chief. Already under his leadership, we have seen a 50% drop in car burglaries over the past year due to innovative, technology-based methods that the Department has deployed. Village Police Officers and the Dispatch Team were involved in numerous acts of life-saving heroism, many of whom were commemorated in December. In 2022, we look forward to Chief Cohen’s continued stewardship over our award-winning, Community-based police department.
In 2021, the Farmers Market returned to a walk-through experience. Vendors remain masked.
Gym and recreational opportunities resumed.
Construction on the Upper Gardens is proceeding. We all look forward to celebrate its opening this year.
Live Jazz and other events resumed in 2021. Following proper health and safety protocols, not to mention Covid-sniffing dogs, the Gardens has been able to put on concerts, holiday shows, the Nights of Lights, the Bruce Munro Exhibit, and more.
Naturally, the Gardens will stay on top of the latest variant and make any necessary adjustments as we move into 2022. We must all stay vigilant.
For more information on enriching, high-caliber recreational and entertainment opportunities at the Gardens, please follow these links:
Pinecrest Community Center
Youth Programs
Musical Performances Performing Arts
The Village may receive funds under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that became law on November 15. We do not know the exact amount. U.S. Treasury is completing the allocation formula and guidelines on proper use of the money. But it appears clear that, if we receive money, we will be able to put the money to good use on solving problems such as storm drainage. Expanding electric vehicle charging stations appears to be another allowable use for the money.
When Treasury Guidelines are disseminated, along with an expected dollar amount to Pinecrest, the Council will work with our Village Government to solve Community problems and put the money to smart, fiscally responsible use.
In 2021, we dealt with various land use issues that came before the Council. Some highlights include:
Residents or developers who want to build tennis courts and the like that infringe on existing set-back rules will not be permitted to do so without petitioning and obtaining Council approval. While some may be reasonable in some places, Council rejected a global change to existing set-back rules.
Feeding animals beyond the front porch and immediate home surroundings is not permitted. This helps reduce vermin and wild animal issues.
Council is contemplating banning Gas-Powered leaf blowers. Should the proposed ordinance pass, commercial landscapers will be given a specific time within which to convert to electric. Residents consistently complain about noise and smell emitted by these 2-stroke engines. This will reduce noise and make for healthier air quality. Biscayne Bay and hundreds of other communities around the country have already adopted this smart, sound policy.
In 2022, Council will be examining proposals for zoning adjustments intended to make the US-1 Corridor more vibrant. Thank you to those who attended Inspire Pinecrest and provided constructive input. I look forward to everyone’s input as we examine proposals in more detail. My guiding principle is simple: Modifications must be consistent with Pinecrest’s character and must be in our Community’s best interest.
Our homes and our Community have become ever important in these challenging times.
My husband and I feel so fortunate to raise our family in Pinecrest. We are rightfully recognized as a top Community in Florida to live, and our top priority must always be preserving what keeps life here special.
With awareness that challenges we face are real, so too is our determination to meet them.
It’s an honor to represent you on Council.