Infrastructure Update, Community Policing, Farmers MarketYour Local Government Delivering For You!
I want to share some ongoing improvements to our Village’s infrastructure and updates on our Pinecrest Police Community Outreach efforts. Also, I’ll have a booth at the Farmer’s Market again on June 5 and am delighted to answer any questions you might have.
Infrastructure: Village Potable Water Project
Of the 16 Districts in the Village Potable Water Project that the Council passed in 2021, two districts are now complete. Pressure and bacterial testing are being finalized in both of these districts. Homeowners will be able to hook up after the roads are re-paved, swales restored, and the County accepts each phase as final. On the total project at this point:
41 Fire Hydrants are in.
24,562 Linear Feet of Water Mains are in.
Credit goes to the dedicated professionals in our Public Works Department!
Community Outreach: Pinecrest Police
Pinecrest follows a community-based policing model. And recently, our Police have really upped the game! The Police are partnering with residents to hold barbecues and kickball events. This is what Community policing is all about.
Pinecrest Elementary PTA BBQ at Kickball with the Police
Officers Sean Rios, Jonathan Carrasco, Juan Barriga Grilling at a Community Crime Watch Event. They make a Delicious Burger!!
Residents at Crime Watch BBQ in Poinsettia Estates
We cannot reveal this Officer’s true identity, but Batman is a Hit with the Kids!
Please contact Captain Cruz at the Pinecrest Police if you’d like to set up a BBQ in your neighborhood or to schedule a kickball game. I am happy to help coordinate as well.
Our police force model is one that is safe, puts people first, and builds community bonds -- world class and only getting better.
Yesterday was Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Thank you Pinecrest Police for all that you do!
“Sundays with Shannon” at the Farmers’ Market
One of my favorite spots has always been our Farmers’ Market. To support local businesses and meet neighbors, we have started Sundays with Shannon at the Market. Please stop by talk about issues affecting you and your family, or to chat about what’s on your mind. Have an idea? Come on over! Want to ask a question? See you there! Local government should always be accessible. (And as a side benefit, we get to enjoy the great food, the company of our Community members, and their puppers!) Our next Sunday with Shannon will be at the Farmers’ Market Sunday June 5 – hope to see you there!
Making Local Government Accessible at Farmers’ Market
In Closing
The fire hydrants and pipelines for our infrastructure improvements are made in the United States, allowing us to support the broader economy while strengthening our own. Our Police Chief has walked our streets for 24 years, and is able to lead a department that demonstrates Community Policing in a way that few places can. We are able to gather every Sunday and support our local businesses surrounded by the kind of natural beauty and a vibrant community life that is world class.
Local Government Should Work For You. We can all do our part to make it a little better. Let’s make decisions now that we can be proud of tomorrow, and continue setting the standard in Pinecrest